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When Your Septic Tank is Begging for Plumbing Help

A septic tank is an essential function of the home which is not connected to city sewer lines. It is rarely thought about until something goes wrong. Here are some early warning signs to help you determine whether your system needs to be serviced by your local Fontana plumber


What Are The Signs That Your Septic Tank Is Full?

Time Between Cleanings

When was the last time your septic tank was cleaned? Septic system maintenance is essential. You should have a septic tank cleaning every 1-3 years. Cleaning (or draining) is your best defense against most concerns. 

Your plumber can discuss with you what the recommended time frame is based on size, usage, and other factors.


One of the most noticeable signs that your septic tank is full is the odor. Your septic tank collects your wastewaters. When it’s not working efficiently, these unpleasant (and unhealthy) smells from sludge and scum can combine and emanate up your sewer system and even into your home.

Slow Drain

Occasionally, debris like oils and grease can clog up a pipe and slow things down. It can be a real problem when drains are slowing or stopping regularly. Septic tanks can have a flow problem deep within the underground pipes or drain field.

Pooling Water 

Pooling water on sunny days can be a real problem, causing unpleasant odors in and near your property. When your drain field pipes become partially clogged, liquid waste leaves the tank and seeps to the top layer of soil. 

Sewage Backups

Backups are unpleasant, especially when they happen inside your home. If you aren’t on a regular maintenance schedule and have ignored any previous, less extreme signs of a full septic tank, you may experience a sewage backup.  This issue can leave your home unlivable until the problem is taken care of. 

Overly Healthy Lawn

It’s a known fact that waste acts like a fertilizer for plant life. When the lawn above your drain field is significantly overgrown compared to the rest of your lawn, this could be a sign that your field is not diffusing the waste properly into the surrounding soil. 

High Nitrates

If you have well water, you will want to have your water tested yearly. If the nitrate level becomes too high, your drain field could be leaking into your well water system due to an overflow. This can cause serious health issues, so if this is happening you should immediately stop drinking your tap water and call a plumber.

Now Is The Time To Call

Is your septic tank begging for help? Your local Fontana plumbing experts can help. 





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