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What to Do When Rusty Water Appears

Whether it’s because of a brown tint to your water or a metallic taste, you can instantly tell when rusty water is flowing from your taps. While the sight and taste of rusty water are certainly unpleasant, it is important to note that rusty water is not dangerous to touch or ingest. Still, you should contact local plumbers in Rancho Cucamonga so that they can evaluate the situation and identify the cause of the rust.

Rusty water can be caused by a variety of things, which means the solution will be unique to your situation. That’s why it is such a good idea to have an awareness of some of the most common causes of rusty water in homes and what steps plumbers take to restore your water to its normal crystal clear state.

In this article, we’ll first explore the most common reasons why rusty water appears and then look at some of the best ways to fix the problem.


Common Causes of Rusty Water and What to Do About Them

Each cause of iron in your water has a very different solution. To determine how to get rid of rusty water, you first need to find out where it is coming from.

Below are four of the most common reasons rusty water suddenly appears and the steps you can take to get rid of rusty water for good.

Corroded or Rusted Pipes

If you live in an older home, there is a good chance the pipes are made from galvanized steel or iron. Unfortunately, these materials corrode and rust over time, and when this happens, rust and other particles break off and enter the water system.

As the problem worsens, your water supply will likely take on a brownish color and taste of metal. If this happens to your home’s piping system, it is probably time to replace the pipes. While this can be expensive and will take time, it will fix the rusty water problem.

Rust in the Water Heater

If you notice that you get rusty water when using hot water, the problem is almost certainly caused by your water heater. After years of use, sediments and minerals build up inside the water heater, which can negatively impact how it functions, cause damage, and send rusty water flowing through your faucets.

To remove the sediment and prevent it from building up again, it is advised that your water heater unit is flushed by a plumber once or twice a year. Doing so fully drains the water heater so that the sediment is removed.

If this doesn’t remove the rust from your hot water, it is time to replace the water heater entirely. A plumber in Rancho Cucamonga will be able to assist you in deciding which type of water heater is the best choice for you and your lifestyle.

Maintenance on the Public Water Main

Usually, rust gradually builds up in your water, and you slowly realize that your water has become contaminated. However, if your water suddenly becomes very rusty out of nowhere, the problem likely originates somewhere outside your home.

A quick way to check this is to ask your neighbors if their water has also turned brown and rusty. If you aren’t the only one, there is a very high chance that the problem is with the water main.

When a water main is damaged or undergoing repairs by the city, minerals, such as rust and calcium, are stirred up in the process. This influx of minerals will discolor your water. Thankfully, this change in water purity and clarity is only temporary. Once the work on the water main is completed, your clear water will quickly return.

Iron in the Water Source

Depending on where you live, your water supply might be naturally high in iron and other minerals or sediments. It is doubtful that this will discolor your water, but you might find the taste unpleasant, or it might affect your skin and hair.

Thankfully, iron that is naturally found in the water won’t require you to replace or repair piping. Instead, you should consider investing in an effective water filtration system.

While an experienced plumber will be able to discuss which filtration device is best for your home, here are two common filter systems that are effective against iron.

  • Activated Carbon: This is a very simple device that will improve the taste and purity of your water. These filter systems are installed inside pipes near taps or showerheads. When the water flows through the carbon filter, any contaminant is prevented from passing through. It is important to note that these filters do require some maintenance since the filter cartridge will require occasional replacement. 
  • Oxidation-Reduction: This is perhaps the best whole-house filter system for removing iron from the water supply. The oxidation process relies on reduction and adsorption to remove the iron particles as well as other minerals that might be in the water. These filters are very effective in removing iron and can prevent red or brown stains from appearing in your sinks, showers, or toilets.

Overall, it is essential that before you start trying to remove the iron from your water supply, you figure out where it is coming from in the first place. From a break in the water main to corroded pipes, the solutions to these problems vary dramatically.

To ensure that you are treating the correct issue, get in touch with an experienced plumber in Rancho Cucamonga. They will be able to quickly assess the issue and identify the cause and correct solution.





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