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Situations Where Hydrojetting is Highly Recommended

One might have credibly believed we could do away with plumbing clogs at this late date. After all, we have global positioning satellites and unmanned submarines that can descend to a depth of more than six miles. Why are we still dealing with plumbing clogs?

Unfortunately, pipes are practically guaranteed to accumulate grime, grease, foreign objects, mold and all kinds of other debris over time. No matter what the pipes are made of or how thick they are, the principle is the same. Hydrojetting is the solution to this problem.

The Brute Force Method

The method employed so far has been to insert an object of some kind, usually a snake-like mechanism or something similar, and manually clear the inside of the pipe by simply breaking or pulverizing the clog. This has been effective, since the process is only a matter of breaking up and either flushing or dragging the debris out of the pipe to remove the blockage.

The problem with this process is that it doesn’t do anything for the inside surface of the pipe. Debris can still stick to the sides, avoid the snake and become anchors upon which future debris can adhere. While the clog might be gone, the time it will take for it to return is much less.


What is Hydrojetting?

What if it were possible to insert a special device into your pipes and use an ultra-high-powered water stream to not only break up clogs but also to scour the inside surfaces so all the buildup could be flushed away? The good news is it is possible, and it has been in use for quite some time by your Fontana plumber. It’s called hydrojetting.

While some pipes are more capable of withstanding high pressure streams better than others, a knowledgeable plumber can adjust the pressure in their hydrojetting device to achieve maximum effectiveness without inadvertently damaging the pipes or the various connections and joints between them. In some cases, pressure must also be adjusted for pipe thickness, construction materials and the possibility of a severe clog or obstruction that might require additional work to clear.

When Newer is Better

Hydrojetting is most effective when pipes between your home and the street have a history of regular clogs. It is a problem that requires affordable plumbing services. This usually indicates the kind of blockage that hydrojetting can address better than snaking.

The newer process is also useful for rejuvenating old pipes that might otherwise have to be replaced. Remember a lot of the buildup in a pipe adheres to the sides. Hydrojetting clears this kind of debris better than other methods.

Sites with septic tanks can make especially good use of hydrojetting because snakes can’t clear your pipes of particulate debris or silt. Contaminated drainage can be responsible for rapid and sometimes hard buildups of enough matter to create an obstruction, which can lead to expensive repairs. This process helps homeowners avoid such problems.






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